It's not a typo-- it's really wOnderlust!

Good day!

This is my first time managing a blog in about 8 years, and as usual of me, my username is lacking creativity. A clear reflection of how I am as a person in general. Not that I don't like it though, but to the uninitiated, such a word doesn't exist. Even if it does, unofficially, it might be confusing to non-native English-speakers, such as the bulk of the Hatena community.

So what is wonderlust? Originally, the word is wanderlust, which means (in my own simple way of explaining it):

Wander - to travel places new and/or unknown
Lust - a strong desire

But aside from the username being already taken (lol), a greater obsession of mine than traveling is wondering. Yes, to think deeply and ask lots of questions. To be inquisitive -- a double-edged sword that has defined me since childhood -- and know as much as I can about the world, in terms of culture, history, food, and whatnot.

Therefore, this blog will be about such things: my random thoughts as I stay awake in the early mornings I am studying to be a doctor; my travels here and abroad; the food I cook, or buy and eat; essays from past, present, and future; and maybe my dreams and aspirations for/with the person I like.

On a less romantic note, I also hope to document my path in achieving JLPT N1 (lol), hopefully, in the not too far future. As I also teach English to my friends from time to time, and I hope to someday let them read this blog, this post might also serve as a blackboard of ideas and lessons in English.

Lastly, by gods, I am obsessed with Japanese video games and manga (not so much anime), and will probably review every title I own in my collection in the hopes of becoming an official critic and receiving free review copies from publishers and developers. Or simply to air out any rants or raves I have from finishing one.

This is Shin-chan. Nice to meet y'all.